Agri-bioresources Augmentation (ABA) Division (earlier known as Lac Production Division and also as Quality and productivity Improvement Division) is one of the four divisions of ICAR-National Institute of Secondary Agriculture. The Division has pioneered in investigations on lac production, systematics, insect-host interactions, molecular biology studies and lac integrated farming system studies. The division works with a multidisciplinary team of scientists and was instrumental in introducing early kusmi breed on bushy lac host Flemingia semialata which has gained remarkable popularity among the lac growers from non-conventional lac growing states. Further the technology for cultivation of late kusmi breed on ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) was developed by the division. Introduction of this technology made ber one of the most preferred lac host plant among lac growers. Profit of farmers increased to the extent of 55% and resulted in 20% increase in total kusmi lac production of the country and fetched better market price of the produce for lac growers. Moreover, when lac production of the country was dwindling rapidly due to mortality of rangeeni lac during first decade of 21st century, the division intervened with recommendation of package of practices for pest management. The combined intervention rapidly increased the share of kusmi lac to 60% of total lac production of the country from earlier share of 40%. Total lac production of the country was stabilized as well as profit of farmers increased to the extent of 55% and fetched better market price of the produce for lac growers. At a conservative estimate of 3 q/ha in the yield; additional 4000 q lac is produced every year amounting to Rs. 250 million/year incremental gain.


  • Conservation, improvement and utilization of bioresources for natural resins and gums
  • Research on conservation of bioresources related to medicinal and other high value plants for developing higher order processing systems


  • Collection, characterization, conservation, and improvement of lac host plants and lac insects
  • Evaluation of host plants and lac insect interaction for identification of productive combinations
  • Development of suitable lac based integrated farming systems for sustainable livelihood and circular agriculture
  • Collection and characterization (morphological and biochemical) of the following natural resins and gums available in different agro-climatic zones of India: Rosins, Gum Arabic, Guar gum, Guggul gum, Karaya gum, Babul gum, Gum Ghatti, Tamarind seed gum and Dammar

Labs and facilities:

The division has well equipped laboratories of biotechnology, physiology and systematic entomology. Laboratories have advanced instrumentation facilities such as Quantitative PCR machine, lyophilizer, ultracentrifugation system, spectrophotometer, single and double distillation unit, microtome, stereo zoom microscope with camera, compound phase contrast microscope for darkfield. Other facilities include thermal cyclers, gel electrophoresis systems, gel documentation system, freezers, tabletop centrifuges, etc.

The division houses the project coordinating unit of Network Project on Conservation of Lac Insect Genetic Resources which is coordinating and networking research activities pertaining to conservation of lac insect genetic resources at twelve centres including lead centre at ICAR-NISA, Ranchi.