Page 62 - Major Gum Resin-E-Book
P. 62

Exudate Gums

          Konkani: Mashinga
          Malayalam:  Murungakka, Munuga, Murung, Murung-a-kai, Shewga, Muringai,
          Tamil: Murungai, Murungamaram
          Telagu: Mochakamu, Mulaga, Mulaga Chettu, Mulage, Munaga, Munaga Chettu, Sajana,
          Sigrupa, Sitavrykshamu, Tellamunaga
          Habitat and distribution

          It is indigenous to Sub-Himalayan tracts, widely cultivated throughout the tropical
          countries. It is medium-sized deciduous tree found and cultivated throughout India.

          It is a small, lovely, deciduous tree with thin foliage.  Tree trunk is crooked, habitually
          forked from near the base. Bark is smooth and corky grey. Crown is wide, open, resembling
          umbrella shaped. Due to soft nature of wood branches are easily breakable. Leaves are
          alternate,  tripinnate, bearing  leaflets  in opposite pairs. Terminal leaflet is  slightly larger
          than others and rounded-elliptic. Flowers are small, whitish and honey scented. Flowering
          is heavy in clusters on panicles.  Fruit is a elongated capsule with approximately 9 seeds.
          Fruits when dry splits and seed are dispersed in the wind with three-cornered wings. The
          tree trunk exudes white to reddish gum initially which changes to brown or brownish black
          upon exposure to sunlight.

                 North India: January – March
                 South India: Throughout the year

                 North India: March – May
                 South India: Throughout the year

          Uses of Gum
          The moringa tree exudes reddish-brown colored gum which is sparingly soluble in
          water but swells in contact with water giving a highly viscous solution.  Plant has many
          important medicinal values from leaves, roots, bark, gum, seeds, flowers and fruits for the
          treatment of various oilment in the indigenous system of medicine including the treatment
          of inflammation and infection diseases alongwith cardio vascular, gastrointestinal,
          hematalogical and hepatorenal disorders. The gum particularly is used in treatment of
          dental caries, as an astringent and in controlling blood pressure. It is also used in calico
          printing, as a condiment, and for stomach and bladder ailments.

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