Page 74 - Major Gum Resin-E-Book
P. 74

Exudate Gums

          Habitat and distribution
          A. leucophloea is native to large parts of South and South-East Asia, where it is found in India,
          Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. It is found throughout
          in India, in dry and deciduous forests.
          Acacia leucophloea is a large thorny tree with wide umbrella-like crown. Trunk is stout with
          several large diameter branches. Bark is white to yellowish gray, smooth, exfoliating in
          long strips, on old trees becoming black and rough. Leaves are bipinnately compound and
          foliage is feathery green. Spines found in pairs at the base of bipinnate leaves. Flowers are
          yellowish-white or cream in colour, sessile, aggregated in terminal or axillary panicles. Pods
          are yellow, green or brown in colour, flat and fairly straight. Seeds are ovate.
          Flowering: July - November

          Fruiting: April - June
          Uses of Gums
          A reddish brown, water-soluble gum can be extracted from the stem bark. The gum while
          coming out extracts tannins and other inherent alkaloids from bark and hence is rich with
          medicinal properties. The bark extracts is used in traditional medicine as an astringent,
          a bitter, a thermogenic, a styptic, a preventive of infections, an anthelmintic, a vulnery, a
          demulcent, an expectorant, an antipyretic, in the treatment of bronchitis, cough, vomiting,
          wounds, ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery, dental caries, stomatitis, and intermittent fevers and
          skin diseases.

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