Page 82 - Major Gum Resin-E-Book
P. 82

Seed Gums

          Habitat and distribution
          Guar grows well in arid to semiarid areas. It is a cultivated crop in India.

          An erect robust annual, 30-60 cm in height, more or less clothed with appresscd greyish
          hairs, stems grooved; leaves 3-foliolaic, leaflets elliptic, acute, sharply dentate, hairy on
          both sides, main nerves prominent; flouters small, purplish in axlllary racemes; fruits thick
          fleshy pods, in clusters, subtetragonal, slightly pubescent, seeds 5-12 per pod, slightly
          compressed. It is an upright growing plant with single stem. Several branches grow along
          the stem from the base. Leaves are elongated, oval shape arranged in alternate position.
          Leaves and stems are mostly hairy. Flowers are white to bluish in colour and born in clusters
          in the plant axil. Pods are flat and slim. Seeds are small, flat, oval and greyish in colour.

          Flowering & Fruiting : It is a seasonal plant cultivated throughout the year.
          Gum Uses
          Ÿ  Solubility in cold as well as hot water and other unique properties like thickening,
             emulsifying, gelling, stabilizing, binding, etc. makes it suitable for variety of application.
          Ÿ  Sizable quantity of guar gum produced is consumed in hydraulic fracturing for oil and
             gas well drilling, where it acts as an emulsifier, thickener and dispersing agent.
          Ÿ  n water based slurry explosives it is used as major gelling agent.
          Ÿ  s a food additive, guar gum binds water, prevents ice crystals in frozen products,
             emulsifies, moisturizes, thickens, stabilizes and suspends many liquid–solid systems
             like salad dressings, sauces, relishes, ketchups and canned soup, etc. Guar gum is used
             in beverages to control viscosity as well as to reduce calories in them. Guar gum is an
             important non-calorie source of dietary fibre and used in capsules as dietary fibre.
          Ÿ  t provides excellent film forming and thickening properties to the fabric when used for
             textile sizing, finishing and printing.
          Ÿ  In paper industry it breaks up agglomerated cellulose pulp fibres and disperses them
             to form uniform pulp slurry and helps to create a denser surface to the paper used for
          Ÿ Guar gum is used as a binder, disintegrating agent in tablet formulations and in liquid
             formulations it acts as a thickener, stabilizers, emulsifier and suspending agent.
          Ÿ Being water-soluble fibre, guar gum acts as a bulk forming laxative, promoting regular
             bowel movements. It also relieves constipation and related chronic functional bowel
             ailments, like diverticulosis, Crohn’s disease, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome
          Ÿ It cosmetics industry guar gum is used in manufacturing of tooth pastes, shaving cream,
             lotions and other cream formulations where it ensures smoothness,  spreadability,
             phase separation and flow-ability.

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