Page 5 - Physicochemical properties of Indian plant gums- IINRG, Ranchi
P. 5


               Plants  based natural gums are hydrophilic
                                                        carbohydrate polymers  of high molecular
                                                                                  lelfing  effect.
               weights  that can be dissolved  or dispersed in water  to give  a ihickening and
               These are colloidal in nature  and referred as nyaropniic  colloids  or
               are generally  insoluble in oils or organic  solvents  such as hydrocarbons,  ether,  or arcohols.
               Plant gums  are mainly  classified  as (i) exudates  gums whici are exudates  from  the bark of
               trees or sbrubs  and (ii)  seed gums which are obtained from endosperm  ofthe seed.
               There is a growing  interest worldwide  in natural  gums  particularly  in food, pharmaceuticar
               and cosmetics apprications.  India is a rich centre ofbiodiversity  and offers  great potential
      j        for the sustainable  ut ization of these natural resources by converting plant wealth  into
               economic wealth. Their increased  role in socio-economic  deveropmerit,  incentive  design
               and livelihood  support  is already well appreciated  as a major part around  g0
                                                                                     percent  of
               natural gums produced  in our country are exported.
               The physico-chemical  properties  of natural gums are of first importance in determining
               their uses and their commercial value. The numerous  technologicar  applications ofnatural
               gums  can be attributed  to their physico-chemical  properties.  However  the physicochemical

               Foperties  are known  to vary considerably with botanical sources, soil and climate,  age,
               absorbed  impurities, treatment after collection and storage  conditions.  Gums are water
               soluble or water  dispersibre  hydrocolroids,  andposses  surp"ndirrg,  di.p"rsing and stabilizing
              properties.  They  can act as emulsifiers,  coagulants, adhesives,  bulking, encapsulatingl
              flocculating, gelling,  suspending, swelling, thickening and whipping  agenis,  crystallizatioin
              inhibitors' film formers,  stabilizers  and protective  conoids. oue to the above properties
              the industrial  applications  ofgum  have expanded  tremendously  in recent years.  The major
              uses  are in food, pharmaceutical,
                                             cosmetic, textile, paper  and petroleum  industries.  The
              vast scope ofgums  and its contribution  to economy call for sustained  research  input mainly
              in the areas of grading, quality irnprovement, value addition  and use diversification.  The
              present  bulletin  can serve as a useful  information  source which may be helpful to accelerate
        i     the research  progralnme  on commercially  important Indian  gums.  Research  on value
              addition  and application  will help to increase the exports and the income generation  of
              tribals who collect it.

              The author acknowledges  the help received from National Botanical  Research Institute
              (NBRI),  Lucknow,  Forest  Research  Insritute (FRI), Dehradun  and Indian Institute  of
              Technology  (trT),  Kharagpur,  during  the collection of information  on various gums.  Thanks
              are especially  due to  prof.  R. N. choudhary and   prof.  B. K. Mathur of Departrnent  of

              Physics & Meteorology, trT Kharagpur  for their kind help during collection  of information
              on gums.

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