Page 50 - Major Gum Resin-E-Book
P. 50

Exudate Gums

          Habitat and distribution
          It is mostly suitable for Moist and dry deciduous forests mostly found in association with sal
          forests. The tree is widely distributed in India and Burma.
          Asan is a deciduous tree with grey-black, very rough, deeply vertically fissured, horizontally
          cracked trunk giving appearance like crocodile bark. Blaze is red. Leaves are simple, opposite
          to subopposite, exstipulate, glabrous, coriaceous with entire or crenulate margin.  The
          characteristic feature of this tree is leaf midrib with 2 stalked glands near the base beneath.
          Flowers are bisexual and dull yellow in colour, come in terminal and axillary paniculate
          spikes. The fruit is ovoid, 3 cm long, with five wings not extending beyond the fruit apex.
          The bark is fire-resistant. Flowering and fruiting period is from April-May. As the tree stands
          bare during winter, it can only be identified by its scissored and cracked bark.
          Flowering: April - May

          Fruiting: May - June
          Uses of Gums
          The gum exuding in large globular tears from the branches, especially young branches is
          edible, copious transparent. It looks similar to dhawra gum and often sold in the name of
          dhawra or mixed with dhawra gum for trade. A paste of the gum is applied externally to
          burns and is also used to treat swellings caused by inflammation.

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