Page 54 - Major Gum Resin-E-Book
P. 54

Exudate Gums

          Oriya: Nimo
          Telegu: Vepa
          Kannada: Bevinmar, Kahibevu
          Habitat and distribution
          It is a tropical and subtropical species. Found in deciduous forests and also widely cultivated.
          The plant is found growing along road sides, near temples, wooded areas, forest edges,
          gardens etc. due to its hardy nature can grow under less water availability. Distributed
          throughout India and native to India as well as Burma.
          Azadirachta indica is an attractive evergreen, small to medium-sized tree. Its trunk is
          generally straight and spreading branches form round crown. Bark is blackish, moderately
          thick, deeply fissured and flaking in old trees. Leaves are light green, pinnate, alternate and
          crowded near the end of branches, with 2 pairs of glands at the base. Leaflets have very
          short petiole and serrate margin, acuminate apex and base is unequal. Numerous flowers
          are born at axillary inflorescence. Flowers are white or pale yellow in colour and srongly
          honey-scented. Flowers are bisexual or male present on the same tree. Nature of fruit is
          drupe with one seed. Fruit is greenish-yellow, ellipsoidal in shape, having pulpy mesocarp.
          Seeds are ovoid or spherical; apex pointed composed of a shell and a kernel.

          Flowering: February - April
          Fruiting: June - August
          Gum Uses

          As a food additive and is widely used in Southeast Asia as ‘neem glue’. It is useful excipient
          in tablet binding. The gum is edible and also used as an alternative to the gum arabic. The
          gum exhibit properties as a bulk laxative and helps reducing constipation.

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