Page 5 - Descriptors of lac insect - IINRG, Ranchi
P. 5


                 lndian  lnstitute of Natural Resins  and Gums is the only institute
            devoted to research and development of lac and thus, has responsibility
            to conserve the lac biodiversity lor posterity. Lac insect genetic diversity
            is the key component  of any lac production  system. More than  20% ol lac
            insect biodiversity  lound in the world  has been reported from lndia. But, due
            to large  scale  delorestation and dwindling  active  lac cultivation  area,  there
            is alarming reduction in bio-diversity  of the country. Hence,  it is needed  to
            take up, on  priority,  the collection of available lac insect biodiversity  in the
            country Collection, conservation and sustainable use ol these  resources
            requiie sirecific  attention  keeping  in view their importance.  Conservation  ot
            lac insects  is a laborious  process  as they have to be maintained  live under
            protected conditions  on potted  plants due to their phytosuccivorous  habit  and
            associated  pest complex.  The instilute,  recently  declared as National Lac
            lnsect Germplasm Centre, has surveyed 60 districts ol 16 states  for collection
            of lac insects  and information  on lac cultivation.  64 lines  of lac insects which
            include 14 cultivated, 21 natural populations,  22 cross bred  / inbred  / selected,
            one e)6tic and six uncoded  lines are maintained  in its Field Gene  Bank.
                 Lac insect  biodiversity  is utilized  either directly  lor lac cultivation  or as
            a source ol useful  traits that can be used in breeding improved varieties.
            The kusml form ol Kenia lacca, known for its superior  quality ol lac and
            higher  productivity  is unique to lndia. Superiorlorms  of this breed have been
            developed  and exploited. In this era of lPRs,  open globalization and WTO
             regime, characterization  and documenlation  of lac insect  biodiversity  merits
             immediate  attention  lor protection  against bio-piracy  and also exchange of
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