Page 15 - Lac culture operations - IINRG, Ranchi
P. 15

rabre 6. curtivation schedure  for kusm,:i;;::fl::  .auritiana  (ptum)  & schteichera

             Year     Month     S. oleosa  Eummer crcp)  Z. mauiAana  (Wintet  S. oleosa  (Summet qop)
             First    )une/ luly  Pruning
             Second   tanuary/                     Pruning
   I                  February
                      June-July                    Infestation         Pruning
            Third    )anuary/  lnfestation        -Harvesting  + Pruning
                     )uneLuly  Harvesting          lnfestation
            Fourth   January/                      Harvesting + Pruning  lnfestation
                     lune/tuly                     lnfestation         -Harvesting
            Fifth    )anuary /  Re-infestation    -Harvesting  + Pruning
                     Ju ne/.July  Harvesting       lnfestation
            Sirth    )anuary/                      Harvesting + Pruning  Re-  lnfestation
                     lune/ )uly                    lnfestatlon         Harvesting

           lV. PALAS  & Australian  babool (AKASHMANI)
                    Divide the total trees of palas  and akashmani into two sets each  (Table  7).
                    Each set either of palas or of akashmani  should have equal number of trees.
                '   The number  of trees in akashmani  set should  be 4 times than that of number  of
                   trees in palas  set  (  Palas: akashmani  =  1:4  ).
                    Use palas  trees for raising summer  season  (baisakhi)  crop and akashmani lor rajsing
             -     rainy  season  crop.
                '   For inoculating  trees of akashmanr,  use the broodrac  from paras  and vice-versa.
                '   lnoculate  the trees of paras  and akashmani with broodrac @ 20 g for one metre
                   tender shoot.
               .   Normally 500 g broodlac is required  for a medium  sized  tree of akashmani.
                   Sell the surplus broodlac and phunki  scraped  lac in the market at the earliest.
           V.  KUSUM  & AKASHMANI
               .   Divide the total trees of kusum and akashmani into two sets each (Tabje g).

                   Each set either of kusum or of akashmani  should have equal number of trees.
               '   The number  of trees  in akashmani  coupe shourd  be 40 times than that of kusum
                   (kusum  : akashmani
                                     =  1:4O).
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